Rickie Christine Bland

I have broken boundaries and crushed expectations! I was born twice!  I have awoken from a dream and found that I am on a path that will take me well beyond the old and the expected and into the new and exciting.  

I am an artist, photographer, engineer, and much more.

As a result of the process to become my true self, I have found that I am not bound by others' expectations. My growing body of work will reflect my discovery of what it means to be twice born and to be transgender. 

I am the art, I am the never ending quest to find the new, something undiscovered, a way to express feelings that were never asked, and in the closet until now.

Follow and walk with me, I will take you on a journey that is unique and unexpected. 


About the cover image:

"My Year As a Rabbit" was inspired by my good friend, Jimmy Sellers. Shortly after my transition, I had the opportunity to be part of his project "My year as a Rabbit".

(Click here for art by Jimmy Sellars)

For me, it is a metaphor representing my progress as an artist through my early transition years.  


Why do I share this aspect of my life? After all, it is not ART! It is not one of my creative paintings or photographs.

It is part of who I am. It takes over 50% of my time. It shapes me and my art. I truly believe if you are going to follow an artist and support them, you should know all there is to know about them. Art is personal it is intimate. You will spend a lot of time looking and pondering an image finding hidden meaning and hidden connections. 

Other Aspects of My Life


Charity Giving Back

Making A Difference